~Drake Bell Lovers~

immesso: 5779 days fa
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immesso: 5752 days fa
I luv Drake,his voice is soo pure.He is the best singer ever!!.Not 2 be mean or anything but  think is better then JB,i like JB 2 though.But if i had 2 chose 1,it would be Drake^^
immesso: 5581 days fa
i just say:I  L-O-V-E  D-R-A-K-E  S-O  M-U-C-H!!!!!
immesso: 5540 days fa
Drake iz awesome...that sssoooo beats the jonas bros (no offense to them but no one liked them until miley came along. Am i right?) Drake is the best! <3
immesso: 5362 days fa
Drake is amazing, fantastic, awesome...
The best!! I think it's a sweet and funny guy..
Drake we love you!!!! x3

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creato da: mogel2510

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