Speak up for those who can't!


I am a girl who is a lover of all animals and nature! I am, also, an avid animal rights advocate! Nothing is more important to me than ending every kind of cruelty to animals! I am a member of the ASPCA, PETA, and the HSUS, and I am active in several other animal rights groups! I am a voice for the voiceless! You can be, too, SPEAK UP! I host a group called "Voices For The Voiceless" and anyone who cares about animals and nature is welcome! http://blingee.com/group/89634-Voices-For-The-VoicelessBlackcat41 

I host another group called "Immortal Images" and would love to have new members! Everyone is welcome! http://blingee.com/group/89342-Immortal-Images

I have a wide variety of stamps available to everyone! I delight in sharing, so please, feel free to use as many as you like! In addition, I've become addicted to Photoshop, and found out that I love making stamps! Everyone is welcome to make requests! I have an exponentially large amount of fonts, and can turn any text into a stamp, in any combination of colors! I can also change the color of any of my current stamps! Just let me know what you'd like! I can't guarantee perfection, but I will always do my best!

I cherish the friendships I've made here, and my loyalty is unwavering! If you'd like to see what I'm into, please check out my Pinterest page! I can't live without music! I love words; reading them, writing them, feeling the way they roll off the tongue, although I'm only fluent in English and Latin! I am a writer, and my work includes both poetry and prose! I love philosophy and physics!

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me...I welcome everyone! I appreciate the comments I receive, but please, do not feel obligated to write any! I believe it's important to comment on, only, the ones that speak to you! That's the way, in which, I choose to comment! I will, however, always do the ratings/stars! Have fun and thanks again, my friends!

My Blingee start date: 2-14-15!
My Birthday: September, 29th! I'm a Libra!

To Have Not
By: Sasha Silverwood
Everything I do to me
Can't make me what I need to be
I'm lost among my wildest dreams
My life is never what it seems
I'm falling down this endless hole
I cannot reach my closest goal
My angry past is all I feel
Spoken words remain unreal
I'm all alone inside my head
My broken spirit is all but dead
I can't remember who I am
My fear is all I will not damn
My eyes don't let me see the truth
I envy all untainted youth
I breathe this air that isn't pure
I cry because there is no cure
My heart is ripped and can't be healed
I make a choice and fate is sealed
My passions die and turn to dust
My haunted life is void of trust
Forgetting all I ever knew
Knowing love was never true
Dawn won't bring my soul to peace
My silent rage will never cease
Unsettled visions fill my mind
Trapped by lust, my hate is blind
My hollow being can't exist
What I have lost cannot be missed
An empty cry of what was me
Is all the world will ever see
A smile no longer greets my face
It lost its touch with fading grace
I never knew how things could get
My kindness made my biggest debt
There's something missing from inside
My innocence has long since died
I feel regret and something more
I miss the world I must ignore
The mirror tells me what is there
The shallow image doesn't care
I ponder on what could have been
I dare to think I still may win
But life is dark, the path is worn
Would I be saved if never born
I loathe all that I've come to know
Time is fast, forever's slow
The universe I hold in hand
So heavy that I lose my stand
The weight of bliss will break the ground
Yet happiness has not been found
I sit here in my shadowed lies
Bound to hell with endless ties
My shaking fingers claw the air
They come up short, there's nothing there
I wake to screaming in my ears
My solemn voice won't calm my fears
I wish to shine just like the sun
But illusions keep me on the run
I burn inside with inner fire
Yet no one shares my strong desire
My flames have died and turned to ash
Like waves upon the shore must crash
I must appear as cold as ice
I change my mind like rolling dice
I lost my sense of what is right
My tears are all that hold the light
My promise is as good as blood
Unbroken words will never flood
I drift upon a sea of black
I chose my life, I can't go back
If all who love cannot forgive
Then who deserves the life I give
I trade my soul for restless sleep
And lay me down for death to keep
My stars will not come out at night
And dreams don't come without their light
My fragile essence can't reveal
The bit of worth it had to steal
My secrets lock themselves away
With skeletons that have no say
Chaos drives me further on
Though fury traces where I've gone
I can't believe when shot with lies
I reach to unforgiving skies
I won't become what I am not
I am the battle that no one fought
I repay my pain with empty praise
And blanket me with mindless haze
I never looked to be alone
Yet certain things are etched in stone
My heart can't bear what never came
It cries for life to end the game
My sanity was sharply cut
My mind was split and never shut
I'll never once again be whole
I'll walk around without my soul
I'll die a bit each day I live
I'll offer what I cannot give
I'll parade around, pretend I'm fine
Knowing my life is never mine


  • Male im Rampenlicht: 3
  • Abzeichen: 116
  • Goldene Blingees: 505
  • Silberne Blingees: 526
  • Stamp-Beiträge: 43,129
  • Postkarten: 1

Meine Wettbewerbsbeiträge

Midnight Ride
December Elegance
Mehr anzeigen



DouceSophie sagt:

Vor 1034 Tage
Blingee is possible, I am very happy !!!read my profile if you want to know how is this possible!

BBB338 sagt:

Vor 1237 Tage
Happy Healthy New Year 2021!
Dear Friend,

For safety of your computer, from possible hackers,  Adobe says to uninstall Adobe Flash Player by 12-1-2021 (Jan. 12, 2021). Already 3 countries in Europe that I know of BLOCKED-Flash Player-Germany, Italy, and Poland. Here is the link to the warning I got: 


Important to read this page! I uninstalled mine! Hopefully, Blingee finds a solution soon!
I am Mollycat2020 on pixmix!

Miry♥ sagt:

Vor 1413 Tage
Have a wonderfull Friendships Day!!


passionpussycat sagt:

Vor 1511 Tage
A Gift For You Sweetie:)



passionpussycat sagt:

Vor 1617 Tage
Happy New Year Sweetie:)


Enjoy :)

passionpussycat sagt:

Vor 1623 Tage
Merry Christmas Sweetie :)


Enjoy :)

passionpussycat sagt:

Vor 1652 Tage
5 ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ Have a awesome ...

passionpussycat sagt:

Vor 1870 Tage
Hi Sweetie....May You & Your Family & Your Precious Animals Have A Fabulous Easter :)

Your *FOREVER* Friend,

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