In three words I can sum up everything I learned about life...IT GOES ON!

It's been a long time since I've been on here! I missed doing this but I have went through so much in the last yr or so...Maybe I can relax myself & my mind creating more Blingee's...I hope some of my friends & their work are still on here....I'll have to check it out! 

Wow! Thanks everybody for voting my Blingee to place 3rd in the Autumn competition :)

I want to thank everyone who voted for me and put one of my Blingee's in the 10!!! Everyone does amazing work on here so I'm honored to have gotten this. Also I would like to thank everyone who uploads stamps (I DON'T KNOW HOW LOL) without them I wouldn't be able to express my feelings through these Blingee's! Thanks everyone <3

Rest in peace Dad...I'm going to miss ours talks, the way you laughed you were the best! I will always love you and keep your memory alive..THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING...Your daughter (your pal) Jaime

To all my my friends....Thank you for always taking the time to rate and comment on my Blingee's! I work crazy hrs at a nursing home so there may be times I'm not commenting as much but I try my best to keep up!

I'm from the Boston area and I'm currently a C.N.A and a H.H.A.  It's a back breaking job but I love my patients. I love working with the elderly. Especially the ones who are alone and no longer have relatives. I love to hear the story's they tell about their past. They are so wise, they lived their lives at times I learn alot from them! Eventually I want to go back to school to become an LPN.
I'm in a 13 year relationship. We have been engaged the last few years..(NO DATE YET). We have a beautiful 12 yr. old daughter Tayla together...She is our world! 

I do alot to raise awareness and sometimes money for Pancreatic Cancer. I do it in memory of my mom who lost her battle with this Cancer on Sept 1, 2006! 

I learned that lifes struggles only make you stronger. My FAMILY and friends are very important to me. I can be very protective of them.
I was raised to always try to give more than I take. That has made me to be a very Independent person and I work very hard for what I want!
I've had alot of heartaches in my life losing people that I love very much. I try to get by knowing that they are looking down on me and hopefully we will see eachother again someday! 

"In three little words I can sum up everything I learned about life...It Goes On!"

"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late." 
~Benjamin Franklin

                  ----///-\\\----Put This
                  ---|||---|||---On Your 
                  ---|||---|||---Blingee Site If 
                  ---|||---|||---You Know 
                  -----\\///-----Who Died
                  ----///--\\\---Or Has Cancer

I use lot of BG's from Photobucket and sites like that...I take no credit for them. 


  • Male im Rampenlicht: 0
  • Abzeichen: 254
  • Goldene Blingees: 552
  • Silberne Blingees: 704
  • Stamp-Beiträge: 632
  • Postkarten: 0

Meine Wettbewerbsbeiträge

Come here little birdie...I won't hurt you!
Boy! Do I love the snow!
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I.M.S.T. sagt:

Vor 2347 Tage
Happy friend and prosperous new year 2018

I.M.S.T. sagt:

Vor 2465 Tage
With affection for you. Thanks for your friendship

I.M.S.T. sagt:

Vor 2508 Tage
Happy friendship Day. To my friends with affection

I.M.S.T. sagt:

Vor 2616 Tage
✋I wish you all a Happy Easter. Until after vacation friends.With affection for you. // Les deseo a todos Feliz Pascua. Hasta después de vacaciones amigos.Con cariño para ustedes✋

I.M.S.T. sagt:

Vor 2618 Tage
From Spain I wish you a Happy Easter.

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